
Eudaimonia, an Aristotelian concept of human happiness and flourishing, aptly captures the journey our Eunoians are on — to seek happiness and to flourish in their learning and growth as young, beautiful thinkers and writers. This showcase website arises from our desire to chronicle their growth, and capture their diverse voices expressed in classroom assignments, assessment pieces, creative works, research assignments out of their own will, motivation and passion.

The student work featured here has been selected and vetted by the various academic and special programme departments. If you are a Eunoian interested in contributing a piece of academic work, approach your subject tutor or the relevant Deputy Head / Head of Department of your subject.

Eudaimonia is managed and designed by the EJC Corporate Communications & Partnerships committee, under the Publications unit: Mrs Uma Thiruselvam, Mrs Joyce Lim, Mrs Joanne Lee-Heah, Ms Ng Hui Qi and Mr Marc Kenji Lim.